
Class X NCERT Books



             NCERT textbooks are essential for your UPSC CSE exam preparation. You have to read UPSC-related NCERT books from class 6 to class 12. But even in these books, some topics are more important than others, if you want to study smartly then first go through the syllabus and previous year questions for at least 10 years.

            UPSC demands conceptual questions. Class 10 NCERT books are the best source to give a solid foundation to your preparation. You must have a solid foundation if you're going to get a rank in UPSC CSE.  If you aspire to find your name in the UPSC Final list, there have no other choice other than NCERTs.


You can access the NCERT e-books for Class X, which is in the links given below.


NCERT PolityBOOK FOR CLASS X:- Political Science - Democratic Politics

NCERTGeography BOOK FOR CLASS X:- Geography - Contemporary India

NCERT Economy BOOK FOR CLASS X:- Economics

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